[OS X TeX] Page up/dn in TexShop on a PB
quinon at rio.odn.ne.jp
Mon Mar 21 18:41:43 CET 2005
On 22 Mar 2005, at 2:26, Chris Goedde wrote:
> The \UF72C and \UF72D obviously refer to keycodes; do you know of a
> list of keycodes for Mac OS X? My googling uncovered some partial
> lists.
I don't have the list, unfortunately. But do you have UnicodeChecker?
If not, download it from
<http://earthlingsoft.net/UnicodeChecker/index.html> (free)
It shows the Unicode value of a character you entered. To get that of a
special key like PageUp, esc, etc., type control-q before hit that key.
I.e. control-q then PageUp.
> Second, what file does this change, something in the TeXShop bundle,
> or something in ~/Library, or ...?
If you have '/Developer/Applications/Utilities/Property List
Editor.app', a component of Xcode Tools, try to open TeXShop.plist with
it. To see special characters, File => Show Strings As ASCII (Non-lossy
ASCII) is helpful.
It's too late here. Good night.
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