[OS X TeX] Page up/dn in TexShop on a PB
Chris Goedde
cgoedde at condor.depaul.edu
Mon Mar 21 18:26:35 CET 2005
On Mar 21, 2005, at 11:06 AM, Kino wrote:
> defaults write TeXShop NSUserKeyEquivalents '{"Previous
> Page"="\UF72C";"Next Page"="\UF72D";}'
Thanks a lot! I have a couple questions. The \UF72C and \UF72D
obviously refer to keycodes; do you know of a list of keycodes for Mac
OS X? My googling uncovered some partial lists. Second, what file does
this change, something in the TeXShop bundle, or something in
~/Library, or ...?
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