[OS X TeX] Page up/dn in TexShop on a PB
Chris Goedde
cgoedde at condor.depaul.edu
Mon Mar 21 17:18:36 CET 2005
It's not quite clear what you are asking, but in the TeXShop previewer,
PageUp and PageDown don't take you to the next page, they just move you
up and down within a page. In theory, you can assign PageUp and
PageDown to the "Previous Page" and "Next Page" menu items, but I've
never been able to make that work. (If someone can explain how to make
that work, I'd greatly appreciate it.)
I use the space bar and shift-space bar to move between pages in
TeXShop preview.
Chris Goedde
On Mar 21, 2005, at 8:30 AM, Christof Janssen wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new to the Mac and to TexShop and I hope this is the right list
> to ask:
> Apologies if not.
> I have a Powerbook G4 and work with TexShop that I like very much.
> Unfortunately I cannot move on to the next or back to the previous
> page using the PB page up / page down keys
> (fn+dn, fn+up). Anybody has a clue ?
> Regards
> Christof
> PD Dr. Christof Janssen
> MPI f Kernphysik
> Saupfercheckweg 1
> 69117 Heidelberg
> tel +49 6221 516588
> fax +49 6221 516324
> email c.janssen at mpi-hd.mpg.de
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