[OS X TeX] question re hyperref and latex made web pages
Rene Borgella
macmechanic at fastmail.fm
Sun Mar 20 19:56:47 CET 2005
opps, I just read my post and see I need to clarify something I wrote.
I mean that the html pages give me the behavior I
want (right click or ctr click) open a new page,
but the pdf version, when viewed in a browser (I
have checked in Safari, Mozilla, and Firefox) do
not open in a new window. What I'd like is to be
able to have this behavior in PDF docs.
sorry for my confusion!
>Dear folks:
>I've been meaning to ask this question for
>several days, and seeing the other hyperref
>query prompted me . . .
>I make files that I can convert to web pages for
>the course I teach using hyperref. I have
>things mostly working who I need them, but what
>I haven't been able to figure out is how to make
>the resulting document (both pdf and web page)
>open a new window when clicked? I've looked
>around for this info and haven't been able to
>find it. Is it even possible?
>Here's the relevant part of the preamble:
> colorlinks=true,
> linkcolor=blue,
> anchorcolor=black,
> citecolor=black,
> filecolor=blue,
> menucolor=black,
> pagecolor=black,
> urlcolor=blue,
> bookmarks=true,
> bookmarksopen=true,
> bookmarksnumbered=false,
> pdfpagemode=UseOutlines,
> pdfnewwindow=true,
> pdftitle={Environmental Biology Assignment 4},
> pdfauthor={Ren\'e Borgella <rborgella at ithaca.edu>},
> pdfsubject={Accuracy in the media},
> pdfkeywords={News, Media, Science, Society},
> pdfview={FitH},
> pdfstartview={FitH},
> pdfstartpage={1}
>Thanks for any help!
>ps -- I am away from my LaTex Companion and
>Guide and don't have them avail. for reference.
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