[OS X TeX] Underlined links with hyperref
Claus Gerhardt
gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Sun Mar 20 17:33:11 CET 2005
I am suggesting two solutions:
1. My favourite, use Preview instead of Acrobat.
2. Add in the preamble
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, anchorcolor=blue,
citecolor=blue, filecolor=blue, menucolor=blue, pagecolor=blue,
On Mar 20, 2005, at 15:24, Thomas Schröder wrote:
> Dear List,
> I'm preparing my thesis with pdflatex and the hyperref package. As
> many others, I'm not very fond of the rectangle around hyperlinks
> when previewing the resulting pdf in Adobe Reader and I'd rather have
> them underlined. I've been doing some googling and learned that the
> rectangle is produced by Adobe Reader and that there's nothing you can
> do about it, really. But then I came across this posting
> http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=de&lr=&client=safari&rls=de-
> de&selm=991919386.946568%40newsmaster-04.atnet.at
> which is in German and says that the PDF specifications state that
> there are also other styles next to the boxed style, specifically an
> underlined style, but that this person couldn't do it, not even in low
> level PDF. This intrigued me enough to go to someone who had Acrobat
> Professional 6 and open my thesis with it. With Acrobat 6 I changed
> the very first link in the document which is the enty of the first
> chapter in the table of contents to link type as visible rectangle and
> line style as underlined (sorry if the German translations don't
> excatly match with the original English menu entries). This gives a
> nicely underlined hyperlink.
> I then compared the two links in TextMate. This is the link produced
> by pdflatex:
> obj <<
> /Type /Annot
> /Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[0.053 0.463 0.919]
> /Rect [65.145 617.344 172.205 630.055]
> /Subtype /Link
> /A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.2) >>
> >> endobj
> This is the same link that I changed in Acrobat 6 after cleaning it up
> to more resemble pdflatex's output:
> obj <<
> /H /I /Type /Annot
> /Rect [65.145004 617.344055 172.205002 630.055054]
> /Border[0 0 1]/BS<</W 1/Type/Border/S/U>>
> /Subtype /Link
> /A << /D (chapter*.2) /S /GoTo >> / C[0.053 0.463 0.919]
> >>endobj
> The dimensions in the /Rect command have changed a little as has the
> order of some commands, but other than it's kind of clear I guess. The
> /C command defines my own IMO very nice blue color, BTW :-)
> Therefore, after making a backup of course :-), I changed
> hpdftex.def's definition of all of its /Border commands from
> /Border[\@pdfborder]%
> to
> /Border[\@pdfborder]/BS<</W 1/Type/Border/S/U>>%
> And low and behold! I get nicely underlined links in my pdf!
> pdflatex's output now looks like this:
> obj <<
> /Type /Annot
> /Border[0 0 1]/BS<</W 1/Type/Border/S/U>>/H/I/C[0.053 0.463 0.919]
> /Rect [65.145 617.344 172.205 630.055]
> /Subtype /Link
> /A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter*.2) >>
> >> endobj
> I thought some of you might like this, too so, here it is. I don't
> really know if this is really correct and all, but if nobody finds a
> really bad error maybe I should get back to Heiko Oberdiek, the
> original author of hyperref, so he might work this in to make it an
> option in future releases? What do you guys think?
> Best wishes, Thomas
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