[OS X TeX] Duplex printing using lp from command-line?
Peter Breitfeld
phbrf at t-online.de
Sat Mar 19 19:49:57 CET 2005
Am 19. Mrz 2005 um 19:22 schrieb Johan Glimming:
> Dear TeXperts,
> I want to duplex print a postscript file from command-line in Mac OS
> X. The printer
> is a LJ4000TN with duplex unit. I could change the printer into duplex
> mode, but this
> is not a good solution since occasionally I prefer to print in single
> page mode.
> Therefore, I wonder how to make "lp file.ps" change the printer to
> duplex mode...
> Best Wishes,
> Johan Glimming
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There exists a small perl-skript, named psopts which includes a
postscript header wich forces the printer to print in duplex mode.
You can get it from my web-site (see below, sorry it's in german).
All you have to do then is to create a file named e.g. config.duplex
consisting of the following line:
o | psopts -duplex - | lpr -l (newline needed after this line!)
and put it at the right place. I have it in
All you have to do then is to print with dvips:
dvips thefile.ps -Pduplex
You even can take a ps-File and call
psopts -duplex | lpr -l
because psopts writes to stdout.
Remark: I have to call lpr with parameter -l, otherwise sometimes the
printer driver tries to make changes to my file -- interestingly not
Hope this helps.
Gruß Peter
Peter Breitfeld | http://www.pBreitfeld.de
Kreuzgasse 4, 88348 Bad Saulgau | PGP/GnuPG Key ist vorhanden
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