[OS X TeX] OML encoded virtual fonts (or: text fonts in math mode)
Ingo Reich
ireich at mac.com
Sat Mar 19 17:27:19 CET 2005
Hi Pete,
thanks for your help; looking for the mtx-file on the web I found out
that in fonts/psfonts/psnfss-source/ there are some real-life examples
which I probably can adapt to solve my problem. (Unfortunately I can't
find the source code that Y&Y used to build their combination of Lucida
New Math plus Minion/Times.)
Mit Dank und Gruß,
Am 19.03.2005 um 16:31 schrieb Peter Dyballa:
> Am 19.03.2005 um 12:40 schrieb Ingo Reich:
>> build with fontinst virtual fonts
> The fontinst list might be more helpful:
> http://www.tug.org/applications/fontinst/
> --
> Mit friedvollen Grüßen
> Pete
> Either this man is dead or my watch has stopped. - Groucho Marx
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Dr. Ingo Reich
Universität Tübingen
Deutsches Seminar
Wilhelmstr. 50
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel.: 0049-7071-29 72964
Fax: 0049-7071-29 5321
ingo.reich at uni-tuebingen.de
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