[OS X TeX] Installation of GUI Latin Modern fonts
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Mar 17 20:06:27 CET 2005
I've been installing TeX earlier today on the brand new PowerBook of a
Linux -> Mac convert I just made. At the end of the process, after GS,
FontForge and all the recommended i-Packages on TeXShop's page, I
installed the TeX i-Package in Expert mode and TL2005 setup. At the end
of the install:
- Though FontForge was there and was seen, no conversion of Latin
Modern fonts to GUI form took place. Here's the relevant subprocess
> ### tex.configure: Latin Modern fonts have been installed but not yet
> configured.
> ### tex.configure: Preparing TeX for Latin Modern configuration...
> ### tex.configure: Latin Modern fonts have been installed but not yet
> converted for GUI use.
> ### tex.configure: FontForge found.
> ### tex.configure: Setting ownership of TeX installation in
> /usr/local/teTeX to root ().
- Command-line activation took place, as I did verify in /etc/csh.login
etc., though I don't remember having seen any dialog informing me that
this would take place (as with the GS i-Package, for example).
I remember the issue of Latin Modern font conversion has been brought
up already a couple of weeks ago, but I thought the issue had been
solved in the meantime. The PowerBook on which the install took place
was switched on for the first time about 8 hours ago.
Bruno Voisin (puzzled)
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