[OS X TeX] pstricks question
Aaron Jackson
jackson at msrce.howard.edu
Thu Mar 17 06:59:51 CET 2005
On Mar 16, 2005, at 11:58 PM, Sergei Mariev wrote:
> Thanks a lot for trying it out. Yes, the code works, if I remove the
> optional parameter I am getting the same tree, just longer and with
> the branches "hitting" the nodes... What I am trying to do is to make
> it work _with_ the optional parameter _and_ with Tex and Ghostscript
> option of the TexShop. I need a lot of small illustrations like that
> for a large project I am working on and it would be unpractical for
> me to use latex, dvips, and pstopdf on the entire file, because I am
> using a lot of other packages and options .... and the deadline for
> submitting the 400 + pages manuscript is just one month ahead of me so
> I am not quite into much experimenting right now... As far as I could
> gather from the information on pstricks, the tex + Ghostscript way
> should theoretically work fine... but apparently it does not... I
> wanted to avoid having to create the illustrations somewhere, then
> cutting and pasting them into the document as normal graphics... But
> thanks so much for looking into the problem! I will look around on the
> archives, perhaps it something that others have noticed already...
> Thanks a lot anyway!
>> On Mar 16, 2005, at 9:08 PM, Sergei Mariev wrote:
>>> I use tex and ghostscript to typset this file. Here is another
>>> strange thing: If I use \psset{nodesep=2pt,levelsep=5ex} instead of
>>> the optional parameter _in preamble_ it typsets everything just the
>>> way I want it. If I use this command in the body of the document, it
>>> issues the same warning. Do you mean that even if I use tex and
>>> ghostscript instead of pdflatex, I would not make it work? Why does
>>> it work if I include this line in the preamble?
>> I cannot comment on the above strangeness, but I can say that if I
>> run the below file through latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf I get something
>> that resembles a tree (don't know if this is what you want).
>> \documentclass[11pt]{article}
>> \usepackage{pst-tree}
>> \begin{document}
>> \pstree[nodesep=2pt]{\Tr{EI}}{\Tr{P} \pstree{\Tr{a}}{\Tr{S}}}
>> \end{document}
Well, I got the following file to tex on my setup:
\input pst-tree.tex
\pstree[nodesep=2pt]{\Tr{EI}}{\Tr{P} \pstree{\Tr{a}}{\Tr{S}}}
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