[OS X TeX] A (little) challenge for OS X TeX programmers

Alan Litchfield alan at alphabyte.co.nz
Thu Mar 17 03:30:14 CET 2005

printwindow is a nice little app. You can achieve what it does by using Terminal.

i.e. ls -lR | lpr will print long directory and file data, plus descending
recursively into subdirectories.

There are many other options available, just man ls.


William F. Adams said:
> On Mar 16, 2005, at 1:28 PM, Bruno Voisin wrote:
>> I have been wondering whether TeX could be used to print the contents  of
>> OS X folders in the same way that was possible from the Finder in  OS 9
>> and before.

<little snip>

> Since then though it's a moot point since there's the free program
> PrintWindow from Searchware Solutions:
> http://swssoftware.com/products/printwindow/
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