[OS X TeX] Equations in non-TeX applications
Michael McCracken
michael_mccracken at mac.com
Mon Mar 14 23:49:29 CET 2005
On Mar 14, 2005, at 2:43 PM, Herb Schulz wrote:
> On 3/14/05 3:02 PM, "Michael McCracken" <michael_mccracken at mac.com>
> wrote:
>> Good news, everybody!
>> Just found on the LinkBack web site: EquationEditor [1] will include
>> support for LinkBack soon. They have a news post and a movie [2].
>> It seems this would go particularly well with the recent Keynote 2
>> plugin for LinkBack [3].
>> [1] http://evolve.lse.ac.uk/software/EquationEditor/
>> [2] http://linkback.nisus.com/2005/03/14/linkback-in-equationeditor/
>> [3] http://commons.ucalgary.ca/~king/projects/keynoteplugins/linkback/
>> -mike
> Howdy,
> I hope this also means that Keynote (with the plugin), Nisus Express,
> Create, etc., will also ``know'' about baselines and height and depth
> so
> that equations are then treated more like ``text'' as opposed to being
> a
> dumb graphic with the baseline set at the bottom.
Herb, Judging from the goals of the Linkback project, it seems like
that issue would best be characterized as unrelated.
The only difference between a linkback object pasted into a document
and a regular object is that the linkback object knows where it came
from, and can update automatically.
Whether or not the application aligns that object correctly is a
separate concern.
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