[OS X TeX] PrettyRef
Alain Schremmer
Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Fri Mar 11 00:41:17 CET 2005
This install-challenged (Schremmer) couldn't wait but got almost
immediately stuck.
Sergei Mariev wrote:
> Open Script editor in the TexShop and create the following macro:
> --AppleScript
> do shell script "perl ~/Documents/scriptsperl/random2.pl"
> tell application "TeXShop"
> set the selection of the front document to (the clipboard as text)
> end tell
I did that and called it NewLabel.
> Then save the following perlscript in the path specified in the macro,
> or adjust the path so that the shell script finds the perl script
> attached at the end.
In Users/AlainSchremmer/Documents, I created a folder called
"scriptsperl" and then I got stuck: I searched for an application in
which to copy-paste the script and save it as "random2.pl". But, while I
found a perl library and other misc, no app. (I hope it is not the
As for the rest, I understand that:
(1) the entire script is as quoted below, namely that it starts with
"#!/usr/bin/perl" and end with the two single "}".
(2) in the second line of the script,
open(IN, "/Users/sm/Documents/diss/random10.txt") || die
"Can't open random10.txt: $!\n";
I must replace "sm" by "AlainSchremmer".
(3) the file "[the script] looks for in the first place" is called
"random10.txt", is blank and can be created with any app that will save
in plain text.
(4) I must place "random10.txt" in a folder called "diss" which is
itself in Users/AlainSchremmer/Documents, that is alongside the folder
called scriptsperl.
I will "adjust the file paths" if and when.
Very grateful regards
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> open(IN, "/Users/sm/Documents/diss/random10.txt") || die "Can't open
> random10.txt: $!\n";
> @in = <IN> ;
> $howmany = @in;
> if ($howmany == 9999) {die "you have used all the keys\n;" }
> close IN;
> &dothejob;
> sub dothejob{
> $test = 0; $rnumber = int(rand(9999));
> &testit; if ($test == 1) {&dothejob; } else {open(OUT,
> ">>/Users/sm/Documents/diss/random10.txt") || die "Can't open
> random.txt: $!\n";
> print OUT "$rnumber\n";
> $howmany++;
> open(PIPE, "| pbcopy");
> print PIPE "\\linelabel\{$rnumber\}";
> close PIPE;
> }
> }
> sub testit{
> foreach $member(@in)
> { if ($rnumber == $member) {$test = 1; }
> }
> }
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