[OS X TeX] PrettyRef
mark oilcan
markoilcan at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 10 21:43:19 CET 2005
--- Sergei Mariev <serguei.mariev at campus.lmu.de> wrote:
> I think I know the problem. I am working on a critical edition where
> I use hundreds (if not thousands) crossreferences. Thinking up a new
> lable is quite hard, and it is even harder to remember if you have
> already used the label or not, to avoid multiple labels. What I did
> in my dissertation was to write a perl script which generates random
> labels. Every time it generates a new label, it appends it to file.
> Every time it generates a lable itfirst looks into the file to see
> if this number has been in use. Then I wrote a macro in the TexShop
> which asks the perl script to generate a label and pastes it at the
> current cursor position. This way I can generate a new label without
> thinking much about it and I know that this lablel is unique.
At some point it must surely be easier to just learn emacs or xemacs.
Reftex (see http://staff.science.uva.nl/~dominik/Tools/reftex/) will
take care of generating labels as well as help you find the right one
when you want to make a cross reference. I'll readily admit, though,
that the carbon version of emacs has some annoying behaviors, like the
scroll bars aren't very useful and setting up the displayed fonts is
completely cryptic. On the other hand, people on the os x emacs list
(at least some of whom are here too) can tell you exactly what to do to
get the font situation working right.
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