[OS X TeX] PrettyRef
Alain Schremmer
Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Thu Mar 10 04:57:59 CET 2005
Herb Schulz wrote:
>Why are you making things hard on yourself.
Because I don't know any better.
>Give the \label's names that
>mean something to you; e.g., based on the subject of that section.
Well, things are still a bit in flux and the way I think of a section
tends to change over time. So, in a month or two, I won't remember if I
have already used that name or not and since the same idea can come up
again and again …
On the other hand, since my problem is only to avoid re-using names, I
have thought about using "randomely generated" numbers.
>shouldn't have to keep track of numbers; that's what LaTeX does for you.
That's what I was hoping.
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