[OS X TeX] PrettyRef
Alain Schremmer
Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Thu Mar 10 04:48:11 CET 2005
Claus Gerhardt wrote:
> Splitting the tex file into dozens of pieces is a bit on the extreme.
> Splitting along chapters seems to give the right sizes.
Dozen. No "s". But the book goes from arithmetic to differential
calculus and, twenty some chapters (to be) do not seem "a bit on the
extreme" to me.
> As for the labels, I only use the numbers provided by tex. Finding,
> not remembering, the label numbers is fairly easy, if you use
> Flashmode (for the actual file);
Having barely learned to use TeXShop, I have stayed away from anything
else and the recent discussion on Flashmode scared me.
> for the older stuff have a separate pdf file available and open in
> Preview using hyperref.
I don't understand.
> Claus
> On Mar 10, 2005, at 0:06, Alain Schremmer wrote:
>> I can see where the \newlabels are and I can see my numbers, 1, 2, 3.
>> The trouble is that I have split my near 200 page source into a dozen
>> pieces with, therefore, a dozen aux files.
>> So, using numbers must be wrong but Companion2ed did not help. At
>> least not me.
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