[OS X TeX] pdf_mem_size exceeded
Michael Hoppe
mh at michael-hoppe.de
Wed Mar 9 17:06:33 CET 2005
Dear TeXers,
in my experiments to enable font expansion for the mathematical
fonts, pdfTeX prompted me:
! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [PDF memory size (pdf_mem_size)=65536].
Is there a qay to increase the menory size? RAM I have plenty, namely 3.5 GB.
-= Michael Hoppe <www.michael-hoppe.de>, <mh at michael-hoppe.de> =-----
-= Key fingerprint = 74 FD 0A E3 8B 2A 79 82 25 D0 AD 2B 75 6A AE 63
-= PGP public key ID 0xE0A5731D =-----------------------------------
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