[OS X TeX] What kind of operation is TeXing? (concerning hardware)
Gerben Wierda
Gerben.Wierda at rna.nl
Sat Mar 5 18:04:17 CET 2005
On 5 Mar 2005, at 17:52, Janko Hauser wrote:
> Bernhard Barkow schrieb:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 4. Mär 2005, at 1:40, Doug Fields wrote:
>>>> Anyway, this is on my list. Why is TeX so hideously slow on Mac OS X
>>>> (PPC)?
>>> Obviously I'm out of my league here as a recent convert, but, TeX
>>> seems fast to me.
>>> TeXShop can typeset my 32 page document (my first LaTeX document) in
>>> a
>>> few seconds on my 1.25GHz with the pdflatex expansion/contraction
>>> thing. Fast enough to Command-T (typeset) after every few
>>> modifications.
>>> Seems fast to me...
>> Sure, for everyday use I am completely satisfied with TeX's speed.
>> It's
>> just interesting that the speed is in general much slower than could
>> be
>> expected compared to PC-based Linux systems, and it would really be
>> interesting to know the reason for that (or how to work around it,
>> respectively).
>> I'm not enough of a programming expert to dig deeper into that matter,
>> I'm afraid...
> Has anyone tried to do the benchmarking without console output?
> The terminals on osx are very slow, I get much faster tex-runs without
> output on the terminal.
Benchmarks were without terminal output:
time pdflatex source2e.tex >/dev/null
> With regards,
> __Janko Hauser
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