[OS X TeX] etex versions
Joachim Kock
jkock at ya.com
Fri Mar 4 19:12:16 CET 2005
Hello Gerben,
thanks for the detailed explanations. I understand now that those log
file that I couldn't find anywhere perhaps don't exist at all...
>Logs generated from perforce for literally thousands and thousands of
>files would not be of any use to a user.
Yes, it would probably not be helpful to me either.
>Such a link I cannot make because
>- there is no such publicly visible location (using http or equivalent)
Perhaps my request should really go to a TeX user group, I guess...
> >Just upgrading thinking that newer
>> is better is usually not the best strategy if you depend on the
>> software to get some work done.
>Which is why the i-Package has old (TL2003), stable new (TL2004) and
>curring edge (TL2005 devel) and you can switch if you run into problems.
Yes, I am grateful that you keep these old versions available. I have
only most recently switched to TL2004 (and I am very happy with it).
>but it seems to be very difficult with
> > tex to keep two complete installations on the same machine...
>Not really. Here is what you can do:
>1. Keep two copies of the TeX i-Package tex.ii2
>2. Let one install in /usr/local/teTeX (default location)
>3. Let the other install in /usr/local/teTeX-exp (or any other location)
>In your frontend, you can easily switch betwene the two, just change the
>path of the binary you are calling. On the command line it requires
>changing the PATH. You are responsible yourself to keep any additions in
>the local texmf trees in sync.
Thanks a lot. I will definitely try to set up something like this,
to make it possible to have at the same time a working environment
and a beta testing environment. Of course this is also how I run Alpha.
>You can inspect them in the Properties tab of the i-Package. There is no
>need to download everything to inspect these.
OK, I'll try that.
Thanks again.
I also have one more enquiry w.r.t. i-Installer, but I will post it
separately for easier threading.
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