[OS X TeX] What kind of operation is TeXing? (concerning hardware)
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Mar 4 11:09:33 CET 2005
Am 04.03.2005 um 08:07 schrieb Gerben Wierda:
> A 1.3GHz PIII (7s) outpacing a 1.6GHz G5 (10s)? An 1.2GHz G4 (my
> iBook) using 18s (almost 3 times as slow as the PIII)?
Because you haven't prepeared your system to do benchmarking! You're
still using a production machine, don't you?
Re-compile TeX with optimum settings for your hardware and software
Create a new user with a login shell without shell functions or
aliases, ultra-short PATH, sparse environment/desktop.
Make a RAM disk the home directory.
Reboot to get rid of the swap files.
Put all files needed for the benchmark suite into another RAM disk.
(And no one more!)
Run texhash on this RAM disk.
Make TeX *not* search your local tree.
And now benchmark 10-20 times!
Try it again with Tiger when gcc will have this feedback optimization.
All benchmarks cheat.
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