[OS X TeX] BibTeX problems
Adam R. Maxwell
amaxwell at mac.com
Thu Mar 3 16:23:34 CET 2005
By chance, do you refer to BibDesk, rather than BibTeX?
If it's BibDesk (as I suspect from your note about the error window),
send me the .bib file off-list, tell me exactly what you've done, and
I'll take a look.
On Mar 3, 2005, at 07:11, Jason Davies wrote:
> I spent some hours 'debugging' a bib file to try to use BibTex, saved
> and was happy. Today I opened it and got a long list of rather
> familiar
> errors, including
> Author = {Holowchak, M. A.},
> possible runaway string...
> (the fact that the error window disappears as soon as I switch to
> Mailsmith does not help my reporting here...)
> what's going on?:-) especially, how come it happily saved then gave me
> all these errors on reopening (yes, it's the same file).
> I can't face all that again unless someone convinces me that BibTex is
> doing something I can work with - I'd love to use it, but have found
> all
> kinds of things I can't work out (like accents errors which I cannot
> fathom...)
> thanks for any wisdom on this...
> --------------------- Info ---------------------
> Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
> & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
> List Post: <mailto:MacOSX-TeX at email.esm.psu.edu>
--------------------- Info ---------------------
Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
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TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
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