[OS X TeX] TeX i-package: Having trouble installing 2005
Gerben Wierda
Gerben.Wierda at rna.nl
Thu Mar 3 15:38:21 CET 2005
> I've tried twice (the second time after uninstalling the previous
> installation) and each time I get this error:
> * +gwTeX additions to teTeX|+teTeX 3 Foundation documentation|+teTeX 3
> Foundation|+TeX Support: TeX4ht|+TeXLive Programs 2005
> Development|+TeXLive 2005 Programs Development extras|+TeX Support:
> XMLTeX and JadeTeX
> ### tex.prepare: I found a XeTeX install inside my install location.
> You will need to reinstall XeTeX after you have installed TeX.
> ### tex.prepare: teTeX documentation removed automatically because its
> parent, the teTeX texmf tree has been removed.
It is strange if between the prepare phase and the configure phase there
is no unarchive phase.
> ### tex.configure: Detected tl2004 structure.
> cp: Current aliases are cleanup and copyfmt
This I do not understand at all.
> /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/texconfig: No such
> file or directory
> ### tex.configure: failed to install new texconfig. Bailing out...
This could happen if the configure phase tries to install a new texconfig
and the directory does not exist. One scenario: my TeX has been removed,
for some reason the unarchive phase has not been executed and during
configure another TeX is found somewhere else. The texconfig from that
other TeX is too old but the ocnfigure phase tries to install a new one in
the install location which is not available because the unarchive phase
has not run.
> Am I doing something wrong? This has worked before today without a
> problem.
There are some ways this could go wrong, especially if you have another
TeX on your system and a PATH that has been changed in your
GUI-environment, but that still does not explain everything.
In a case like this, do the following:
1. Please try once more.
2. Then after it has failed, go to the Report tab (View menu)
3. Click the re-create button
4. Copy and paste the contents to a mail compose window and send me the
result off list (the mail button does not always work, I do not know yet
The report holds possible clues.
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