[OS X TeX] metapost
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Thu Mar 3 11:40:50 CET 2005
Am 02.03.2005 um 17:27 schrieb Daniel L. Dietrich:
> I had one problem with xfig. It assumes a BW display. GW lists a
> procedure to get it to recognize a color display and give nice color
> menus and buttons. I couldn't get it to work. Everything works, just
> not in color (I can draw color objects, just the menu/button items are
> in BW). Any help would be appreciated.
Launch i-Installer and select from the "Known Packages i-Directory"
xfig. Do "Open i-Package" and choose in the new window "Pkg Contents."
The first item is "ð Ñ Ñ Fig." This is the file with X11 applications
defaults. Apply "Inspect" on it. In the window pane below you'll see
the defaults. I did not try the "Install" button, but it works to mark
the file's contents and copy it into the cut&paste buffer. Now in
Terminal you can write
cat >> ~/.Xdefaults
paste now the cut&paste buffer's contents into Terminal and type a
final ctrl-d (press and hold the ctrl button *and* press "d" once).
This will create the (rather invisible) file .Xdefaults in your home
directory, or, when it's already there, it amend to its old contents
this new one. So do it only once with these "defaults!" Now the
settings are in the file, but X11 won't see the changes, so it has to
be informed about this invoking in Terminal
xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
At least when you invoke xrdb X11 has to be running! Now that the
defaults were upgraded you can launch Xfig -- could be still without
colour! To have colour support it might be necessary to add the
contents of any of the files attached to the next eMail to your
~/.Xdefaults -- because Apple's X11.app does not search for those
resources files according to environment variables.
Adding them could be done in Terminal via
cat <here you throw the file from Finder or Mail> >> ~/.Xdefaults
or, to be able check different colour and other settings, for example
in TextEdit. The invisible file is *not* easily opened like
open -a TextEdit ~/.Xdefaults
First you need to copy it to kind of a "regular" file name
cp ~/.Xdefaults ~/Xdefaults
Now you can edit it, adding first a line "!!!!! For Xfig only !!!!!"
and then any coloured contents. When you don't like the colourizing or
want to try another sample, you simply search for that line and
substitute the remainder of the file with new colour settings.
Whenever you've finished editing, two steps have to follow
cp ~/Xdefaults ~/.Xdefaults
xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
One thing *should* change in Xfig's X11 defaults:
Fig.pdfviewer: open %f
Fig.pdfviewer: texdoc %f
You probably have configured texdoc with you favoured applications, so
better do not rely what Mac OS X thinks would be the right application
for PDF documents!
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