[OS X TeX] TeX i-package: Having trouble installing 2005
Stephen Moye
stephenmoye at cox.net
Thu Mar 3 10:36:54 CET 2005
On Mar 2, 2005, at 8:31 PM, Stephen Moye wrote:
> I've tried twice (the second time after uninstalling the previous
> installation) and each time I get this error:
> * +gwTeX additions to teTeX|+teTeX 3 Foundation documentation|+teTeX 3
> Foundation|+TeX Support: TeX4ht|+TeXLive Programs 2005
> Development|+TeXLive 2005 Programs Development extras|+TeX Support:
> XMLTeX and JadeTeX
> ### tex.prepare: I found a XeTeX install inside my install location.
> You will need to reinstall XeTeX after you have installed TeX.
> ### tex.prepare: teTeX documentation removed automatically because its
> parent, the teTeX texmf tree has been removed.
> ### tex.configure: Detected tl2004 structure.
> cp: Current aliases are cleanup and copyfmt
> /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current/texconfig: No such
> file or directory
> ### tex.configure: failed to install new texconfig. Bailing out...
> Am I doing something wrong? This has worked before today without a
> problem.
> Stephen Moye
> --------------------- Info ---------------------
> Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
> & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
> List Post: <mailto:MacOSX-TeX at email.esm.psu.edu>
I notice that the upper window of the i-installer "Subprocess Output"
window has this as well:
### tex.configure: Started...
### tex.configure: This TeX does not have a recent texconfig.
Installing one...
and then spits out the "bailing..." message I reported earlier.
--------------------- Info ---------------------
Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
& FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
List Post: <mailto:MacOSX-TeX at email.esm.psu.edu>
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