[OS X TeX] metapost
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Mar 2 23:35:11 CET 2005
Le 2 mars 05, à 21:21, Alain Schremmer a écrit :
> I had X11, having once tried to run OpenOffice (Never made it).
You might want to try NeoOffice/J <http://www.neooffice.org/java/>,
which is a Java port of OOo for OS X. Contrary to the X11 version, it
has a proper Aqua interface (there are a few remaining non-Cocoa
widgets, but that's negligible compared with the X11 version, and the
menu bar is where it should be on a Mac, at the top of the screen).
Plus it can use all the OS X fonts directly, and print to the OS X
Recently, experimenting with iWork's Pages I exported a Pages document
(containing tables) to .doc format, and opened the .doc file in both MS
Word and NeoOffice/J: the result displayed poorly in Word, but quite
satisfactorily in NeoOffice/J.
Bruno Voisin
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