[OS X TeX] metapost
Aaron Jackson
jackson at msrce.howard.edu
Wed Mar 2 21:27:52 CET 2005
On Mar 2, 2005, at 3:21 PM, Alain Schremmer wrote:
> Bruno Voisin wrote:
>> Le 2 mars 05, à 17:45, Aaron Jackson a écrit :
>>> Ok, all good advice, but I seem to remember having to install X11
>>> first. So I would amend the above with make sure you have X11
>>> installed first. If not it should be on the MacOS X CD's, or you
>>> can download it from (it's pretty big):
>>> http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/x11formacosx.html
>> I think X11.pkg is on Panther's CD 3. It's advisable to install it
>> before TeX, as IIRC i-Installer checks, during installation of the
>> TeX i-Package, whether X11 is there or not, and if it's there then
>> i-Installer installs the X11 version of xdvi, so that you can use
>> xdvi to preview your .dvi files as well.
>> To get nice-looking icons for xfig it's also advisable to install the
>> Xaw3d i-Package, again IIRC (I don't have xfig installed myself).
> I had X11, having once tried to run OpenOffice (Never made it).
> Following you all's instructions, I was able to start Xfig, draw a
> squiggle and save it. Now is the time to read the manual. (Which, as
> opposed to "refering" to the manual, is essentially, a first for me.)
> One "last" question: what format does xfig save in? (I have never seen
> the extension .fig before.)
I guess it has it's own way of saving files. Xfig is old and common
enough that there should be several conversion utilities and other
programs that can read its output. However, if you do a File->Export
you'll see the long list of export options.
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