[OS X TeX] metapost
Alain Schremmer
Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Wed Mar 2 21:21:24 CET 2005
Bruno Voisin wrote:
> Le 2 mars 05, à 17:45, Aaron Jackson a écrit :
>> Ok, all good advice, but I seem to remember having to install X11
>> first. So I would amend the above with make sure you have X11
>> installed first. If not it should be on the MacOS X CD's, or you can
>> download it from (it's pretty big):
>> http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/apple/x11formacosx.html
> I think X11.pkg is on Panther's CD 3. It's advisable to install it
> before TeX, as IIRC i-Installer checks, during installation of the TeX
> i-Package, whether X11 is there or not, and if it's there then
> i-Installer installs the X11 version of xdvi, so that you can use xdvi
> to preview your .dvi files as well.
> To get nice-looking icons for xfig it's also advisable to install the
> Xaw3d i-Package, again IIRC (I don't have xfig installed myself).
I had X11, having once tried to run OpenOffice (Never made it).
Following you all's instructions, I was able to start Xfig, draw a
squiggle and save it. Now is the time to read the manual. (Which, as
opposed to "refering" to the manual, is essentially, a first for me.)
One "last" question: what format does xfig save in? (I have never seen
the extension .fig before.)
Many thanks to everybody.
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