[OS X TeX] otftotfm
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Tue Mar 1 21:16:54 CET 2005
Am 01.03.2005 um 18:30 schrieb Ingo Reich:
> Warning: module writet1 of dvips (file a_yi6hsz.enc): cannot open
> encoding file for reading
This file should be put into
/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/fonts/enc/dvips/tetex (+ sudo
texhash) or into ~/Library/texmf/fonts/enc/dvips/tetex (without
texhash), i.e. /Users/ireich/Library/texmf/fonts/enc/dvips/tetex.
ly1myriadpro.fd has not to do with fonts, it's more like a sty or cls
file. You better put into
/Users/ireich/Library/texmf/tex/latex/<supplier of font, i.e. adobe,
monotype, bh ...>
No map file is mentioned in the log, but could be dvips does not
mention it (I prefer pdfTeX) ...
In your LaTeX file you can probably use every inputenc(oding).
a_yi6hsz.enc *might* re-encode the PFB file in a way that when you type
x you'll see an x too in the DVI or PDF file. But I don't think this is
the proper use of otftotfm, I think it asks you to decide which font
encoding you wish to have in the PFB (and AFM) file. Traditionally this
should be 8a(.enc), the Adobe StandardEncoding. And you can invoke
otftotfm a second time with the 8x(.enc), which will produce an expert
font set, i.e. one with Old Style Figures and Small Caps (SC&OSF). For
this you *will* have to use the OpenType features!
Ingo, could be that you need a bit of fontinst too -- probably in
summer I'll knew more. At least check whether otftotfm created a map
file. Without this neither dvips nor pdftex would find the PFB font
file(s) with the glyph programmes which shapes you want to see on
screen or on paper or on both. The map file belongs into
/Users/ireich/Library/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/updmap. After this you'll
have to invoke 'sudo updmap --enable Map=<name.map>' which puts the map
file's contents into psfonts.map etc.
Mit friedvollen Grüßen
Ce qui été compris n'existe plus. (Paul Eluard)
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