[OS X TeX] OmniOutliner & LaTeX

Rene Borgella macmechanic at fastmail.fm
Sat Jan 29 05:58:54 CET 2005

At 9:50 PM +0100 1/24/05, Berndt  Farwer wrote:

>... just to keep you informed: I have had the 
>chance to play with the beta LaTeX export plugin 
>for OO3 over the weekend. It looks very 
>promising, I have added some tiny bits of 
>functionality and reported on some shortcomings 
>to James.
>I am sure, it won't be long before a (preliminary) version is released.

Just to second what Berndt has said, I recently 
received an e-mail from an Omni Group Technical 
support engineer saying "René we're working on a 
LaTeX export plugin. Keep checking our website 
for updates about that".


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