[OS X TeX] how to convert .doc to .TEX?

Luc Feitknecht luc.feitknecht at unine.ch
Tue Jan 25 13:09:04 CET 2005

Thanks for many input, although I do not (yet) care about the fragile 
commands discussion:
I spent more than one hour cleaning up TEX code after having used 
Abiword's export to Latex format for some odd 8 pages of a .doc file. 
The two pictures of the document did not convert... That is all right 
for a beginner, but I would not like to do it for many more documents.
Are the mentioned packages wvware or rtf2latex2e doing a better job? How 
do I access them after having i-installed them?


Rene Borgella wrote:

> Another one that may be worth trying.  I recently downloaded AbiWord, 
> and although I haven't had much time to play with it, I noticed that 
> there's an export to LaTex option.  Perhaps this may also be worthy of 
> trying out.
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