[OS X TeX] xdvi and/or acrobat reader with darwin ports emacs

Martin Costabel costabel at wanadoo.fr
Sun Jan 23 16:10:46 CET 2005

Chris Skeels wrote:
>>> Also, to dismiss the speed issue is extremely disingenuous.  I am a  
>>> very big fan of TeXniscope but I have also seen moderately sized  
>>> documents (35 pages), with a few graphs in them, clog it up to the  
>>> point of being unusable relative to a "true dvi previewer".

Just for the record: This may be your experience with TeXniscope, but it 
does not correspond to what I am seeing. In papers of 30-70 pages with a 
handful of eps graphics of up to a couple of MB each, there was none of 
this clogging-up visible. Rendering of the figures was perhaps a little 
slower the first time as compared to xdvi, but on subsequent displays of 
the same page, TeXniscope was considerably faster. But the differences 
here are typically of the order of a second or two, anyway, and this on 
a 867MHz PowerBook. You must have seriously complicated eps graphics to 
experience these problems.

Anyway, the possible speed problems *only* concern embedded eps 
graphics, there is absolutely *no* speed problem with rendering of text 
and *no* speed problem with synchronization, at least when it is done 
with Carbonized Emacs and the srcltx option (The latter has the 
advantage over pdflatex and pdfsync that you don't have to change your 
tex source file to get the synchronization). Searching between source 
and display in both directions typically takes less than a second, is 
precise, and from TeXniscope to Emacs it goes automatically into toc and 
bbl files if you click on corresponding parts of the output. It is a 
truely amazing experience.

The only problem I am seeing with embedded eps files in TeXniscope is 
that sometimes they are not shown at all, depending on the macro with 
which they are included. Some collaborators are using \epsfig macros and 
this doesn't seem to work with TeXniscope. \includegraphics works. OTOH 
for years people have been using TeXtures where you couldn't see eps 
graphics either.


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