[OS X TeX] How to find coloured pages automatically?
Will Robertson
will at guerilla.net.au
Wed Jan 19 23:55:01 CET 2005
On 20 Jan 2005, at 2:01 AM, Guido Mocken wrote:
> is there an easy way (a LaTeX package?) to find all pages of a rather
> long document that contain color?
If the colour appears due to TeX commands (\textcolor{blue}{some blue
text} for example), you could patch those commands to write out the
page number to an external file whenever they're used. (Before I try
this myself I'll see if it's actually useful to you.)
Otherwise (if your included figures may or may not include colour) then
Chris Goedde's suggestion sounds the most promising. Of course, if ALL
of your figures contained colour, then you could obtain their page
number from the .lof file.
Best of luck!
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