[OS X TeX] how to convert .doc to .TEX?

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Wed Jan 19 22:15:22 CET 2005

Herb Schulz wrote:

>I don't have the askinclude package 
The last couple of lines on page 19 of Companion 2ed read: "This way you 
do not have to modify your master source to process different parts of 
your document (a very useful feature during the production of this 
book)." To which I agree wholeheartedly.

>but commenting out that line didn't
>change anything as far as the problem is concerned. 
I completely forgot about doing that.

>Commenting out the
>pdfsync line eliminated the problem (make sure you get rid of the old .aux,
>etc., files before starting over with the pdfsync line commented out). 
I did.

>So it
>has something to do with pdfsync.
This seemed to be Laurens' opinion (1/17/05 2:14 AM)

>After playing with your example what I see is that the \protect is needed so
>that pdfsync doesn't write something into the B.aux file which messes up the
>second pass. Why it does that is something I don't understand. It also means
>that under ordinary circumstances you don't need \protect\emph{} text. The
>problem might persist with other commands within moveable arguments.
On Voisin's suggestion, I had opted to replace \emph in headings by 
\textit because it seemed to be straightforward whereas I deemed 
dangerous not having any idea how \protect works.

What about Dyballa's comment (5:20 AM)?

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