[OS X TeX] how to convert .doc to .TEX?

Steffen Lund Hokland hokland at mr.au.dk
Wed Jan 19 08:50:30 CET 2005


I did the typesetting of an abstract book for a bio-conference, and 
needed to convert the different abstracts - all in Word - to LaTeX. I 
used wvWare from Gerben, and found that it worked fairly well (in this 
case there were no headings and other advanced formats). However one 
word of warning:

BE WARE OF 'TRACK CHANGES' in the Word document! If that's turned on 
your tex-file will look terrible. It will insert numerous empty lines, 
colored text in weird places on much more.

For TeX -> Word the html-method has been advocated. Would that be a 
possibility in the present case?

Good luck.

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