[OS X TeX] making invisible files visible

Bob Kerstetter bkerstetter at mac.com
Mon Jan 17 05:23:56 CET 2005

On Jan 15, 2005, at 1:33 PM, Rene Borgella wrote:

> a good utility to do this if you  need to see what's on your mac (and 
> you aren't or rather not use terminal) is "tinkertool".  It's free and 
> has a few other grea features (like teaching your dock how to behave 
> the way you'd like).  Get it at versiontracker.com or 
> <http://www.bresink.com/osx/TinkerTool.html>. TinkerTool isn't a 
> "hack" that compromises your system, so it's safe to use.
> another method is to use the Menu item "Go to Folder".  You can 
> navigate to invisible folders using this menu item, and some folks do 
> this to make the invisible directories (e.g. "usr") visible so that 
> they can then place that directory in their sidebar for quick access.

You can do this in the terminal with:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles ON
to make invisible files and directories  visible.

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles OFF
to make things invisible again


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