[OS X TeX] OT? advice for a windows-using friend

Curtis Clifton curt.clifton at mac.com
Sat Jan 15 05:20:17 CET 2005

On Jan 14, 2005, at 9:38 PM, John A. Johnson wrote:

> A friend of mine mentioned the other day that he was using Scientific 
> Word to do his PhD in physics, and that when he was done he would have 
> to either buy it or use something else; he's using a license from his 
> university in Ankara.
> I mentioned LaTeX and the pdfsync work that has been done here and he 
> was quite interested, until I told him that this was all for OS X. He 
> asked whether such a thing existed for Windows.
> ISTR that question coming up here before, and the aswer being 'no.' Is 
> this the case? In any event, are there places for Windows TeX users 
> similar to the wonderful OS X TeX site of Joe Slater & Gary Gray? I'm 
> going to talk to him about OS X, and maybe he'll be interested, but I 
> do want to be able to help him out even if he doesn't want to come 
> over to the Mac side. References and URL's would be much appreciated. 

I'm not able to help much on the Windows questions, except to note that 
my adviser uses MikTeX and seems to like it.  However, just in case you 
don't follow the Apple product announcements, the new Mac Mini provides 
a low-cost platform for switching from Windows to Mac.


Curtis Clifton, PhD Candidate
Dept. of Computer Science, Iowa State University

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