[OS X TeX] texshop defaults suggestions...

Kip Bishofberger kipster at physics.ucla.edu
Fri Jan 14 00:02:00 CET 2005

> Google for "defaults write TeXShop" and you will certainly find
> something answering your questions, including
>   http://www.uoregon.edu/~koch/texshop/changes.html
> Hope that helps.
> Wolter Rose

Thanks for the assistance.  In fact, it is exactly the page you
mention that led me down this path.  My original email said:

> I quickly embraced the version 1.35 upgrade for one reason: the
> "defaults write texshop foreground_R/G/B" options.

My questions about pointer, cursor, and preview foreground colors,
along with "abbreviating" the current defaults convention, are
specifically _not_ mentioned anywhere, despite my googling.

Knowing nothing about osX programming, I don't know how difficult
my requests are to incorporate.  I'd offer to help (having read
Koch's requests for assistance), but not only do I not know where
to begin, but trying to get my degree in the next couple months is
a bad time to "start a new hobby."  Sigh.

Again, thanks for trying to help!

Kip Bishofberger

> By the way, I think texshop is wonderful!

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