[OS X TeX] texshop defaults suggestions...

Kip Bishofberger kipster at physics.ucla.edu
Thu Jan 13 20:31:23 CET 2005

> <snip>
> I give an example of some defaults I wish my texshop
> had, which looks similar to the .Xresources of yesteryear:
>   sourcebackground = "000000"
>   sourceforeground = "ffffff"
>   commandforeground = "0000ff"
>   commentforeground = "ff0000"
>   markerforeground = "00ff00"
>   mouseforeground = "ffffff"
>   cursorforeground = "ffffff"
>   previewbackground = "ffffff"
>   previewforeground = "000000"  <--overridden by colored text
> More specifically, my questions are:
> 1) Is there a way to change the mouse and cursor color so I can
>    see them against a black background?
> 2) Are there parameters for the preview foreground color?
> 3) Is it possible to reduce the number of entries by combining RGB
>    data into the hexidecimal "RRGGBB" number as I used above?  I
>    think it's cleaner and much easier to work with.  Another
>    option would be "1.00 0 0" for "R G B."

To add to my original post:  The cursor and mouse probably have
separate foreground and background colors, with two colors for
highlights.  These would flesh out the color scheme nicely!  :)

If one doesn't want to mess with the preview window, because "it's
supposed to be a preview of a printed page," then how about a
reverseVideo switch at least?

Kip Bishofberger

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