[OS X TeX] OT: Some wonderings on iWork Pages and NeXT and Pages by Pages

William F. Adams wadams at atlis.com
Wed Jan 12 15:46:07 CET 2005

Posted the below to www.macslash.org and comp.sys.mac.advocacy --- was 
curious what everyone here thought.

The new iWork module Pages does feel similar to Pages by Pages, and one 
can't help but be curious about how Ted Shelton feels about this (or if 
he was paid for use of the name?). To be fair though, there was at 
least one other app since then w/ similar concepts (it was bought by HP 
and morphed into a web publishing tool --- the name escapes me).

Some other questions:

    - how are the templates made? Is design similarly easy to Keynotes?

    - what H&J algorithm is used --- is it something which considers 
more than one line at a time?

    - how good are the tables? is there named object-oriented access to 
data in them?

    - how are cross-references handled?

    - what about equations?

    - is there a copy-fitting option? If so, what aspects of the layout 
does it tweak?

    - when making a .pdf is there an option to make a ``tagged .pdf'' 
which can be reflowed for use on devices with small screens?

Just looking at the screengrabs it seems to let people make some fairly 
common typographic mistakes (lines too long, leading too tight, 
excessive word spacing).


William Adams, publishing specialist
voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708
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