[OS X TeX] box in forms

Alain Schremmer Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Wed Jan 12 06:42:56 CET 2005

1. I am trying to make a box like in a text form to be filled, as in:  
some text  [   Box  ]   some text. If nothing else, I can always use


but ugly.  So, I looked into boxes.

First I tried

    \framebox[\height + 10mm]{}

after the example on page 861 of Companion 2ed but I could not figure 
how to increase the height of the box. It seems \height refers to the 
height of the text and \height + 10mm is then the width of the box.

After some other attempts with fbox etc, I tried to use fancybox with 
the example on top of page 597 of Companion 2ed.


The console said

    !Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted)
    <to be read again>

I entered pt after all numbers but but to no avail.
When I do "r Enter" in the console, I do get the pictures but 
superimposed over neighboring text plus some strange disalignment on the 
next page.

2. I am also trying to do something similar in a math form. The 
following did just what I wanted:


but then I tried to give an example with


and, while the console didn't protest, the circled 5 just doesn't show.

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