[OS X TeX] small trick on the command line

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Feb 9 11:41:34 CET 2005

Am 08.02.2005 um 22:39 schrieb Bernhard Barkow:

> alias texopen open -a emacs '`kpsewhich \!^`'

This is a new syntax to me: \!^. I'd use in my csh or tcsh aliases a 
different notation:

   alias floc   'locate /\!:1 | grep \!:1$'     # locate a name starting 
with / and ending by itself
   alias PSu    "ps -O pid,pgid,ppid,ruser,command -U \!:1 | egrep 
RUSER\|\!:2 | grep -v grep"

or I'd use "\!*" to pass all the alias' arguments from the command line 
into the alias. What is the syntax "\!^" meaning and doing?



"If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs, then
the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization."
                               -- Weinberg's Second Law.

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