[OS X TeX] Euro-Symbols are subsituted by question marks

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Dec 14 22:41:05 CET 2005

Am 14.12.2005 um 18:08 schrieb Friedrich Vosberg:

> But how can I _solve_ this problem? And why does it appear?

Put as first line into all TeX files that SubEthaEdit determines to be 
MacRoman (or something other non-standard Latin-1)

	%!TEX encoding = MacRoman

I don't know the exact term for the encoding, it's probably recorded in 
TeXShop Help.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


"What is this talk of 'release'?  Klingons do not make software
'releases'.  Our software 'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of
designers and quality assurance people in its wake."

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