[OS X TeX] Problems customizing report.cls
Aaron Jackson
jackson at msrce.howard.edu
Sat Apr 16 00:22:36 CEST 2005
On Apr 15, 2005, at 2:47 PM, Daryl Basil Biberdorf wrote:
> I can understand both your and Aaron's input on this.
> Sadly, I find it's often harder to figure out the inputs
> to the various packages than it is to look at the
> code that's generating output in a standard class.
> As one example, I find the documentation of the titlesec
> class in the LaTeX Companion to be completely
> confusing on several fronts.
Yes, it is confusing, but I managed to figure it out after a few hours
and several test documents. It makes things much more portable, so I
bit the bullet. To get what I wanted, I just had to use the following:
\usepackage[compact,indentfirst]{titlesec}% needed to change section
%% change default chapter and section heading characteristics
%% Syntax:
\titleformat{ command }[ shape ]{ format }{ label }{ sep }{ before }[ af
ter ]
{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter.\quad}{0pt}{}[]
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