[OS X TeX] [Beginner] unicode support
Marek Stepanek
mstep at t-online.de
Tue Apr 12 00:43:08 CEST 2005
On 11.04.2005 13:41, "Peter Dyballa" <Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE> wrote:
> snip
> Since your TeX file starts with "\documentclass" it is a LaTeX file and
> should not use tex but latex or pdflatex, as Bruno already recommended.
> And you should check with which programme you are writing the file! The
> sequence of three characters in front of \documentclass in the first
> line looks a bit strange to me ... Is that your "BOM(b)", Byte Order
> Mark? latex and pdflatex and TeXShop don't need it, provided you set
> TeXShop to edit in UTF-8.
>> \usepackage{ngerman}
>> \usepackage{ucs}
>> \usepackage[utf-8]{inputenc}
>> \usepackage{txfonts}
> I'm not using Dominique Unruh's ucs package, so I probably can't be of
> great help any more. The txfonts are intended for use with the 'usual'
> Latin scripts and math. They're optimized for the text encodings OT1,
> T1, TS1, and LY1 ... You can read it yourself: 'texdoc txfontsdocA4!
> Since you're a beginner and obviously a Mac user: why don't you trying
> something with an universal approach to languages and scripts that
> indeed runs on Macs and Mac OS X? It's XeTeX, available as an i-Package
> to easily integrate into your teTeX installation. XeTeX seems to have
> so problems with math symbols, but as far as I read it is quite perfect
> in using scripts and using them in a specific language. Aren't there a
> dozen languages that use Cyrillic? And aren't the character
> sets/encodings always a bit specific for that language? Recent XeTeX
> 0.94 has an approach to this.
> Home:
> http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_id=XeTeX&
> Add-on: http://www.mecheng.adelaide.edu.au/~will/tex/
> eMail: http://www.tug.org/pipermail/xetex/
> XeTeX mailing list
> postmaster at tug.org
> http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/xetex
> OTOH it could be worth augmenting recent teTeX and i-Packages with some
> Cyrillic ...
> --
> Mit friedvollen Grüßen
> Pete
> If you're not confused, you're not paying attention
Yes I am confused but I try to do my best :-)
Ok, thanx to all your replies ! Unfortunately nothing helps ! Some of your
hints were helpful, but my document does not 'compile' with Cyrillic
letters, with or without Byte Order Mark (BOM). Whether I am using latex or
pdflatex with the terminal, or with TeXShop nothing helps.
I am really disappointed, I really wanted to give up Microsoft Word, since
the unicode support on Macintosh in Microsoft Office is working fairly well
now. I am thinking about giving up to work with LaTeX.
But I will give a try tomorrow to XeTeX. First surprise : i-Installer does
not list XeTeX anywhere !!! So the next nightmare starts :-( I will try to
install it from the XeTeX-image.
perhaps I made a silly mistake in my .tex file ? I boiled down the document
to this one, which does not 'compile' - it is saved in BBEdit utf-8 without
BOM; line endings "unicode" (is this right ? I tried also with with "unix").
******* einladung_test.tex***************
% \usepackage{graphicx}
% \usepackage[dvips]{color}
% \usepackage{fancyvrb}
% \usepackage{txfonts}
\begin{letter}{XXX Konsulat\\
\setkomavar{fromname}{Big Firma}
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Big Boss
\setkomavar{subject}{Einladung für Benefizkonzert 3. Mai 2005}
\opening{Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,}
Wie jedes Jahr veranstaltet text text text
Eingeladen sind wieder hochbegabte junge Kinder aus der Zentral Musikschule
Moskau und zwei begleitende Mütter:
\textbf{XXX XXX} ,
Lehrer: Prof. Gennadiy Kerentsev
date of birth XXXXX Moscow Russia, nationality Russian Federation.
Date of issue xxxx, date of expiry xxxxxx
Authority - PУВД 645
Russia, address
Россия, 109544, Москва, площадь Рогожской Заставы
\textbf{XXX XXX} ,
date of birth XXXXX, Saratov, Russia, nationality Russian Federation.
Date of issue XXXXXX, date of expiry 16.05.2007.
Authority- УВД 767.
His adress:Russia, 127322, Moskow,Yablochkova street, house 28/1, apartment
Его адрес: Россия, 127322,Москва, улица Яблочкова,
etc etc
\closing{Mit besten Grüßen
Big Boss}
*************the log file says:********************************
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.20a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.3) (format=pdflatex
2005.1.23) 12 APR 2005 00:28
entering extended mode
\write18 enabled.
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel <v3.8c> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german,
ngerman, d
utch, italian, norsk, portuges, spanish, swedish, nohyphenation, loaded.
! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.1 Ô
Missing character: There is no Ô in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no ª in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no ø in font nullfont!
Document Class: scrlttr2 2004/09/16 v2.9t LaTeX2e KOMA document class
Package: keyval 1999/03/16 v1.13 key=value parser (DPC)
\KV at toks@=\toks14
Package: scrlfile 2004/09/16 v2.9t LaTeX2e KOMA package
Package scrlfile, 2004/09/16 v2.9t LaTeX2e KOMA package
Copyright (C) Markus Kohm
) (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/tex/latex/base/size12.clo
File: size12.clo 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX file (size option)
Package: typearea 2004/09/16 v2.9t LaTeX2e KOMA package
Package typearea, 2004/09/16 v2.9t LaTeX2e KOMA package
Copyright (C) Frank Neukam, 1992-1994
Copyright (C) Markus Kohm, 1994-2002
\ta at bcor=\skip41
\ta at div=\count79
\ta at hblk=\skip42
\ta at vblk=\skip43
\ta at temp=\skip44
Package typearea Info: These are the values describing the layout:
(typearea) DIV = 12
(typearea) BCOR = 0.0pt
(typearea) \paperwidth = 597.50793pt
(typearea) \textwidth = 448.13095pt
(typearea) \columnwidth = 0.0pt
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(typearea) \evensidemargin = 2.4185pt
(typearea) \oddsidemargin = 2.4185pt
(typearea) \paperheight = 845.04694pt
(typearea) \textheight = 635.5pt
(typearea) \topmargin = -41.72441pt
(typearea) \headheight = 18.125pt
(typearea) \headsep = 21.75pt
(typearea) \topskip = 12.0pt
(typearea) \footskip = 50.75pt
(typearea) \baselineskip = 14.5pt
(typearea) on input line 633.
Class scrlttr2 Info: Letter-Class-Option `DIN' loaded on input line 2021.
File: DIN.lco 2004/09/16 v2.9t LaTeX2e KOMA letter-class-option
Missing character: There is no ‚ in font cmr12!
Missing character: There is no Ä in font cmr12!
Missing character: There is no ® in font cmr12!
v2.5e 1998-07-08
Package: ngerman 1998/07/08 v2.5e Support for writing german texts (br)
\grmnU at D=\dimen102
Missing character: There is no ‚ in font cmr12!
Missing character: There is no Ä in font cmr12!
Missing character: There is no ® in font cmr12!
Package: ucs 2004/10/17 UCS: Unicode input support
File: uni-global.def 2004/10/17 UCS: Unicode global data
\uc at secondtry=\count80
\uc at combtoks=\toks15
\uc at combtoksb=\toks16
\uc at temptokena=\toks17
Missing character: There is no ‚ in font cmr12!
Missing character: There is no Ä in font cmr12!
Missing character: There is no ® in font cmr12!
Package: inputenc 2004/02/05 v1.0d Input encoding file
the embassy for talented young musicians
Podium International | Marek Stepanek | mstep at PodiumInternational.org
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