[OS X TeX] Beginner: bibliography strategy?
Gary L. Gray
gray at engr.psu.edu
Sat Apr 9 17:22:16 CEST 2005
You may be able to avoid EndNote altogether by just using BibDesk along
with its ability to filter imported references. First, grab the
Bibutils from:
Install them in /usr/local/bin.
Then, for example, if you want to import and boatload of references
from ISI Web of Knowledge, you would process the exported ISI
references in the following two-step process:
(1) run isi2xml on them;
(2) run xml2bib on the result of (1).
With BibDesk, you can "Open Using Filter..." on the ISI-formatted
references and you won't have to use the command line. If you put the
bibutils in /usr/local/bin, then just type the following in the Filter
Shell Command field:
/usr/local/bin/isi2xml | /usr/local/bin/xml2bib
When you then click "Open", the utilities will filter your file and
open the references in BibTeX format into BibDesk. It is incredibly
BibDesk even saves the recent filters used between sessions.
There is a med2xml filter in the Bibutils, so this should work (along
with xml2bib as described above).
BibDesk completely rules!
Good luck,
-- Gary
On Apr 9, 2005, at 9:00 AM, Robert Sekuler wrote:
> Martin Wehlou:
> When I want to download a LARGE set of refs from NLM I will use
> EndNote 7 and export the saved refs via the BibTex Export style. I
> then read the collection into BibDesk, which most people on the list
> considerable a wonderful piece of software.
> When I need just a few refs from NLM --say up to about a dozen-- I
> access NLM via PubMed. From PubMed refs can be saved to disk in a
> format that's easy to read into BibDesk. Here's the trick: Check the
> boxes at left of refs you want to save, Change PubMed's "Display"
> option to MEDLINE (from "Summary") and change "Send to" to "File."
> This will generate a file, pubmed-result.txt, on your desktop. Then
> change file suffix from .txt to .fcgi. If you've got BiBDesk
> installed on your computer, this new suffix tells OSX that this file
> should be opened with BibDesk. If you doubleclick on the .fcgi the
> contents will be displayed in BiBDesk.
> RS
> On Apr 9, 2005, at 4:23 AM, Martin Wehlou wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I'm a total beginner in TeX, though I'm able to rudimentary text
>> editing
>> and getting output to dvi. Good, I'm proud of myself. I'm also new to
>> Macs, even though I've done Windows programming since MS Windows V
>> 1.04,
>> so I do recognize a computer when I see one.
>> But I need to work with bibliographies. I like the way EndNote
>> (running
>> the demo) lets me access MedLine directly, then saves the retrieved
>> abstracts and data to its own database. Now I'd like to go from there
>> to
>> TeX, somehow.
>> My question is not necessarily a step-by-step tutorial (some things
>> one
>> has to do for one self...), but the general strategies. That is,
>> assume
>> a Max, with OS X. What bibliography software would you use (free or
>> commercial)? How do I easily get references from there to TeX? (The
>> editor I'm using is BBEdit, by the way).
>> Martin
>> -- Dr. J. Martin Wehlou MD, CISSP
>> www.wehlou.com
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> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------
> Robert Sekuler
> Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
> Volen Center for Complex Systems
> Brandeis University MS-013
> Waltham MA 02454
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------
> --------------------- Info ---------------------
> Mac-TeX Website: http://www.esm.psu.edu/mac-tex/
> & FAQ: http://latex.yauh.de/faq/
> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
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