[OS X TeX] mouse in TeXShop. [was: TeXShop 1.35e converts 0x0d to 0x0a linefeeds]
Alexandru Scorpan
ascorpan at math.ufl.edu
Fri Sep 24 18:01:53 CEST 2004
> Apart from that, is there a way to return to the old clicking
> behaviour:
> "In previous versions of TeXShop, if you clicked elsewhere and then
> clicked on the edit window to edit, you would need to click twice to
> correctly position the cursor. This is now changed; the first click
> in the edit text is recognized and positions the cursor."
> (I guess, a checkbox to control this would be best.)
I certainly second that. I switch between a lot of windows and rely on
the cursor staying where I left it in each window (and sometimes on big
chunks of text remaining selected). Now I have to be careful to click
on the window's frame. I'm lazy, I don't want to be careful! :-)
-- Alex
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