[OS X TeX] latexplate and memoir.cls

Peter Paul Sint sint at oeaw.ac.at
Fri May 7 22:08:52 CEST 2004

At 10:19 h -0500 2004.05.06, Herb Schulz wrote:
>latexplate.tex document and its content is great. The
>'article' option of the memoir class still uses \chapter{} and the
>\section{} numbering is "chapter.section" not just "section." as with the
>actual article class. It also, by default, uses offset odd/even pages. Both
>of these are things that a newbie might not understand.

My teTeX/Texshop (installed quite some time ago but probably tinkered with later) did not find the
LateX Error: File 'memoir.cls' not found.

If this is typical for an older teTeX system (which even a newcomer may encounter) there is a problem.

Obviously memoir.cls is _not_ part of standard latex.
It just happens to be part of _recent_ gwtex. Thus one has to restrict the latexplate spedifically to cover gwtex or to explain what is necessary beyond basic latex.

It worked after I updated tetex with ii2 (ehich claimed to reset my settings to defaults.  (I doubt if I have changed many but are not sure).
(and I might have some other interfering tex files/tex installations hidden somewhere).

kpsewhich still does not find latex.fmt (only latex.efmt)
Is this relevant?

Peter Sint

Some background on my installation (see especially last lines kpsewhich):
MacOS10.2.8, TeXshop1.32

(La)TeX locations  ­/local   psint

psint% latex -v
e-TeX (Web2C 7.5.2) 3.141592-2.1
kpathsea version 3.5.2
Copyright (C) 1997-2003 The NTS Team.

psint% which latex
~] psint% kpsewhich latex.fmt
~] psint% kpsewhich latex.efmt
~] psint%

There should be a latex.fmt?

[inn:~] psint% cd  /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/web2c/
[inn:share/texmf.local/web2c] psint% ls
amstex.fmt      lambda.oft      mfw.base        pdfamstex.fmt   plain.base
amstex.log      latex.efmt      mktex.cnf       pdfamstex.log   plain.fmt
cont-en.efmt    latex.log       mpost.log       pdfetex.efmt    plain.mem
cont-en.log     metafun.log     mpost.mem       pdfetex.log     tex.fmt
etex.efmt       metafun.mem     mptopdf.efmt    pdflatex.efmt   tex.log
etex.log        mf-nowin.base   mptopdf.log     pdflatex.log    texinfo.fmt
fmtutil.cnf     mf.base         omega.log       pdftex.fmt      texinfo.log
lambda.log      mf.log          omega.oft       pdftex.log      updmap.cfg
[inn:share/texmf.local/web2c] psint% cd ~/Library/texmf
[inn:~/Library/texmf] psint% ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  4 psint  staff  136 Feb 26 21:52 tex
[inn:~/Library/texmf] psint% cd /usr/local/teTeX/share/
[inn:local/teTeX/share] psint% ls
texinfo      texmf        texmf.gwtex  texmf.local  texmf.tetex
[inn:local/teTeX/share] psint% cd texmf.local
[inn:teTeX/share/texmf.local] psint% ls -l
total 104
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin    102 Apr 26  2003 doc
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin    102 Apr 26  2003 dvipdfm
drwxr-xr-x   5 root  admin    170 May  7 16:41 dvips
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin    102 Apr 26  2003 etex
drwxr-xr-x   6 root  admin    204 May  7 16:41 fonts
-rw-r--r--   1 root  admin  51940 May  7 18:00 ls-R
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin    102 Apr 26  2003 pdftex
drwxr-xr-x   5 root  admin    170 May  7 16:41 tex
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin    102 May  7 16:40 tex4ht
drwxr-xr-x  42 root  admin   1428 May  7 16:46 web2c
drwxr-xr-x   3 root  admin    102 Apr 26  2003 xdvi
[inn:teTeX/share/texmf.local] psint%

there is only

Peter Sint
sint at oeaw.ac.at
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