[OS X TeX] Very good introduction IMHO

William F. Adams wadams at atlis.com
Thu May 6 17:33:58 CEST 2004

Some quick thoughts:

  - why the geography-specific (A4) pagesize?
    Wouldn't it be better to use (say) 11" tall x 210mm wide? That way 
everyone has the same version and it'll print (but w/ slightly 
different margins) w/o scaling on either A4 or letter.
    Or, better stilly, use a screen-oriented layout / size --- enable 
hyperref for that and suggest people open it in Adobe Acrobat for 

  - provide a link / location for lshort

  - mention that the ``Templates'' button in the toolbar in TeXshop will 
get one a working template w/ suitable preamble in the preamble section

  - why are the figures set to come out on a figure page? why not use 
[htbp] and explain what they do and encourage experimentation?

  - buncha overfull lines --- use \begin{sloppypar}...\end{sloppypar} 
and explain what it fixes, or just stick in a \sloppy at the beginning.

I've got a fair first pass at ``All the fonts in GWTeX'' (put it 
together for a salesperson here at work). Let me finish up my paper and 
TUG2003 and I'll post it and we can work to improve it.


William Adams, publishing specialist
voice - 717-731-6707 | Fax - 717-731-6708

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