[OS X TeX] OT: setting the look of hyperlinks with hyperref
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Mon Mar 29 15:46:40 CEST 2004
Le 29 mars 04, à 14:59, Bob Kerstetter a écrit :
> On Mar 29, 2004, at 5:02 AM, Bruno Voisin wrote:
>> Also, "my" solution also breaks the ability (I'm working in pdfTeX)
>> of hyperlinks to be broken across several lines, so it's definitely
>> sub-optimal.
> Hi Bruno,
> Maybe I am missing your point here, but this both underlines and wraps
> and makes a working hyperlink in 10.3's Preview. Requires the ulem
> package. I got the \newcommand{\cuuline} from someone else, maybe the
> author of ulem. I don't remember. It's a double underline, but I just
> define one color as "white" to make it a single underline.
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{color} % << color package is required
> \usepackage{ulem} % << ulem package is required
> %red over blue double under line-- swap red and blue in second line to
> make it blue over red
> \newcommand{\cuuline}{\bgroup\markoverwith{\hbox{\kern-.03em\vtop%
> {\begingroup\kern.2ex\color{blue}\hrule width.2em\kern1.1pt\color{red}%
> \hrule\endgroup\kern-.03em}}}\ULon}
> \usepackage[colorlinks=true]{hyperref} %goes last to redefine the
> world.
> \begin{document}
> %this is asample of the command in use
> Steve Jobs says, ``I think
> \href{ht½0V£/www.apple.com}{\cuuline{different.}}''.
> \end{document}
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the tip about the ulem package. What I was looking for was a
way to set options for the hyperref package, such that
colors, underlines, wraps if required, and makes a working hyperlink of
"different", without having to specify \underline, \uline or \cuuline
explicitly. Also, I was looking for a solution that works for \url too,
namely for:
coloring, underlining, wrapping if required, and making a working
hyperlink of "http://www.apple.com".
Finally it seems that the ulem package can be used for patching the
commands of hyperref.sty; this surprises me slightly given the
relatively low-level of these commands. What seems to work (stripping
out all unnecessary packages and options):
% Now we redefine certain commands of hyperref.sty
% The following for \url
\def\url@#1{\hyper at linkurl{\uline{\Hurl{#1}}}{#1}}
% The following for \href
\def\hyper at link@[#1]#2#3#4{%
\protected at edef\Hy at tempa{#2}%
\ifx\Hy at tempa\@empty
\hyper at link{#1}{#3}{\uline{#4}}%
\expandafter\hyper at readexternallink#2\\{#1}{#3}{\uline{#4}}%
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