[OS X TeX] Utopia fonts
Bruno Voisin
bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Mar 24 15:53:38 CET 2004
Le 24 mars 04, à 14:45, Michael S. Hanson a écrit :
> 1. Convert the LaTeX utopia font to a Mac font using one of the
> available font tools. (pfaedit?) Is this feasible? Legal?
Feasible certainly: assuming the X11-version of PfaEdit has been
installed (this is done automatically by the corresponding i-Package if
X11 is detected on your machine), launch X11, from it run PfaEdit
(/usr/local/bin/pfaedit), open the four fonts in
/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/fonts/type1/adobe/utopia (you can
select all four of them together inside PfaEdit's Open dialog), bring
the Utopia-Regular window upfront, select "Generate Mac family…" in the
File menu and proceed. A .dfont file is generated (you must select a
directory outside the original one, with is not writable).
As to whether this is legal, I don't know. I think William Adams said
once that Adobe's license allows conversion, I'm not sure. The Utopia
license is included in /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.gwtex/README.utopia
and doesn't say anything about conversion:
The Utopia fonts themselves are governed by the following liscense.
This is a copy of the Utopia Type-1 fonts which Adobe contributed to the
X consortium, renamed for use with TeX:
Permission to use, reproduce, display and distribute the listed
typefaces is hereby granted, provided that the Adobe Copyright notice
appears in all whole and partial copies of the software and that the
following trademark symbol and attribution appear in all unmodified
copies of the software:
Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated
Utopia (R)
Utopia is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated
Maybe you must make sure the above copyright is included in the .dfont
file as a comment, if such comment actually exists in a .dfont file.
> Since I'm not trying to do anything very sophisticated, I'm guessing
> that the 4 fonts in the Type Basics collection (regular, bold, italic,
> bold italic) will be enough, and that OpenType -- with its glyph
> support -- is the preferred alternative here. But I'd appreciate a
> heads-up on any possible "gotchas" if I end up having to go with (c)
> above -- particularly anything related to math characters. TIA!
The above won't give you math characters, which is what Fourier fonts
were developed for in the first place, i.e. a math complement for
Utopia. Surely PfaEdit will produce Mac fonts out of them, but the
problem will then be: where to put the math characters, so that you can
see them.
In a thread a couple of weeks ago, people mentioned that the Symbol
font has been reimplemented by Apple specially for OS X, so that the
mathematical characters it contains are now positioned at their
appropriate Unicode slots, not at the usual 256 slots of a PostScript
font (this is not fully correct, a PostScript font can have more than
256 characters, only a PostScript encoding vector is limited to 256
characters, but that's the idea). The bad side of this is that now you
can't use the keyboard to directly input the math characters from
Symbol in a document, even in this font the keyboard will only give you
"normal" characters (those printed on the keys), you have to use the
Character Palette instead, or switch to Hex Unicode Input (both the
Character Palette and Hex Unicode Input are activated in System
Prefs/International/Input Menu).
Maybe the huge work that Gerben has done (in collaboration with George
Williams, the creator of PfaEdit) for converting Latin Modern fonts to
Mac format can be adapted to Fourier fonts, I don't know.
Bruno Voisin
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