[OS X TeX] Strange cursor behavior
Alain Schremmer
Schremmer.Alain at verizon.net
Sat Jul 24 21:41:03 CEST 2004
I am writing a book that is going to be some 600 pages. (About one half
is already in Word which, right now, I am converting to LaTeX to put it
on the web under a General Document License), what problem would you
say I am likely to run into with TeXshop?
I am not writing anything fancy but lots of short tables and lots of
figures and some rather plain equation writing.
I like TeXshop as so far it does just what I need and I would rather
stay with it. However, I would rather not find out later on that I must
switch to something else.
Thanks for any light you may shed on the issue.
On Jul 24, 2004, at 2:00 AM, Jerry Marsden wrote:
> Saturday, July 24, 2004
> Ronald,
> I have noticed the same thing with the cursor and only in TeXShop,
> not in other applications, so my guess is that it is TeXShop.
> It is also possible that it is associated with a subtle
> incompatibility with OSX system 10.3.4---I don't believe that
> I had this problem a half a year ago when I was on 10.2.8.
> It is not the only problem with TeXShop. For example, pdftex
> is not compatible with AMS commutative diagrams and pdfsync
> is pretty rough--useable, but just barely. Many others have
> commented on this too.
> I agree that all this it is annoying---I just assumed it would
> be fixed in the next release and so was just living with it.
> I am really hoping that pdfsync can be improved, although I
> understand that it is a difficult task.
> For example, when I am doing, an index for a book and need
> precise text locations to do that in an even reasonable way,
> TeXtures (in Classic mode) remains what I use---it is nice and
> reliable.
> Personally, I will continue use both TeXShop and TeXtures for the
> moment---each is good for its own purposes; for small uncomplicated
> articles, TeXShop is still great, but for, eg, books, TeXtures
> is superior, despite having to invoke Classic. I was hoping to shed
> classic long ago, but the reality is that has not been possible.
> Best Regards, Jerry Marsden
> ------------------------------------------
> At 8:55 PM -0700 7-23-04, Ronald Bruck wrote:
>> I have a new 17" Powerbook, and I have started having troubles with
>> TeXShop. I wonder whether anyone else has seen this.
>> When I'm typing near the insertion point, it's as if everything is
>> going into the bit bucket--nothing appears on-screen. Then when I
>> move the cursor just a tiny bit, all that I typed suddenly appears
>> onscreen. As you can imagine, one is FREQUENTLY typing near the
>> insertion point! So this is incredibly frustrating.
>> I don't think I see it in other apps, like Mail or BBEdit.
>> Any idea what the problem could be? Is it a TeXShop issue, or a
>> Powerbook issue, or what?
>> It's not just when using the trackpad, incidentally. It also works
>> when I'm working using a Bluetooth keyboard and Bluetooth mouse.
>> Bluetooth is wonderful, BTW. I have a new Sony Ericsson T610
>> cellphone, and syncing my Powerbook's address book and calendar
>> worked first time, right out of the box.
>> --Ron Bruck
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> TeX FAQ: http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq
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